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When I become World Emperor, Part 1

Posted 09-02-2007 at 08:34 AM by Kyuss Apollo

As my wife will tell you, I often have many great ideas on how to improve the world around us. However, I realize traditional political structures impose too many limitations for me to implement most if not all of my ideas. So I have come up with a new office, called World Emperor, which will once I have become World Emperor, grant me the power needed to get these things done. In much the same way that Julius Caesar saw that stupidity was ruining the world in his day and one man needed to take...
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happy now, Mussolini?
Posted in World Emperor
Views 29288 Comments 6 Kyuss Apollo is offline

How The Onliest Tiggermonkey Was Born

Posted 09-02-2007 at 02:10 AM by Shelli
Updated 05-04-2008 at 03:56 AM by Shelli (smilie text change)

Once upon a time, on a Friday night within the first month of my joining the :ffshiny: , Watser? and I were :chatphon: on Skype. We were discussing some stupidity or another going on in the world and I gave my typical response, "We're all just a bunch of monkeys". But then I got to thinking... out loud to Watser? of course :giggle: ... well, I'm obviously a monkey too but I'm also a lot like :tigger: . :think2: Then, suddenly... :idea2: ! "I know! I'm a Tiggermonkey! Yeah! That's...
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The World According To Testuser

Posted 09-01-2007 at 11:06 PM by testuser

On the Internet, nobody can tell you're a test user.
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