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Old 02-15-2024, 11:08 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by ChuckF View Post
It's the same chapter which would not be understood without understanding the foundation. There is nothing wrong with what he wrote. It doesn't negate any of his 3 discoveries. You can't stand that he claimed the eyes are not a sense organ, and you're doing everything in your power to defame him. That's what this is about.

Before you begin, one thing puzzled me quite a bit last night, not in regard to what you already demonstrated . . . that I found to be flawless, but regarding marriage. How is it possible to have a balanced equation of sexual desire when the male plays an active, the female a passive role? If for any reason he can’t raise a harder, she’s in trouble. Charlie hasn’t experienced this yet, but do you know how many times I’ve been compelled to use my finger to make my wife come? But what can I do when it won’t stand up, or collapses like an accordion at the wrong time?

With Mary it’s quite different. I get so hot that my penis is like a phallic symbol, and I enjoy kissing every part of her body. But I realize that this desire is the result of passion. She loves to blow me and I love to reciprocate, but the thought of doing this to my wife sickens me. And to show you how innocent she is, one time I said in a joke, ‘How about giving me a blow job’, and she thought I meant for her to blow on it. This is the problem I cannot see you solving because I know that even if I married Mary and lived with her the same number of years, while my wife became Mary, it would be the same exact situation. I said it before and I’ll say it again; it seems an impossible situation to correct. . . but I wouldn’t bet on it. Well, what’s the answer?”

“In order to solve the problem of marriage and prevent the consideration of adultery and divorce from ever arising, a perfectly balanced equation of sexual desire must prevail at all times, from beginning to the end. How this is accomplished is something marvelous to behold, and if my will was free, I would take credit for it. So put on your thinking caps and follow me carefully.

Now it is extremely important to understand that when a boy and girl, in the new world, consummate their feelings with a complete sexual relation that results in an orgasm, they are going to fall desperately in love and desire each other all the more, because this exciting thrill of physical contact is a new experience that has become associated with one particular person to whom they must turn for satisfaction. Soon, each will be absolutely dependent on the other for what the body now craves, and if this was stopped, as frequently happened in the world of free will for various reasons which occasioned serious consequences, it would be the worst form of torment. Yet there are two individual desires involved, and it is impossible, in the new world, for one person to desire obligating the other not only because this is a form of advance blame (this was not yet explained), which is a judgment of what is right for someone else, but mainly because it could not be preferred when it is realized that this would not be conducive to a harmonious relation.


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
which is no longer doubtful is the cause of half their errors" -- John Stuart Mill
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