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Old 03-25-2023, 09:50 PM
Join Date: Nov 2011
Default Re: ABBA VITE namely Doctor Solzhenitsof's novel

Originally Posted by SOLZHENITSOF View Post
ABBA VITE's Liberalist Novel



Continuing from the previous chapters...


(Tags: Soviet influence, Iran, North Korea, Turkey, Syria, Morsi’s Egypt, Cuba)

Some of the comrades tried to keep awake but sleep would be resisting. Evelyn gave start to her most favorite pre-sleeping tale, say Ali Baba and Forty Thieves: The most guaranteed dealer of mesmerizing community…continue to sell at forty-one points, and while some of the soporific pills are waiting for customers in fixed bundles, some of them are spinning on special devices with batteries. Communist Heaven-Yes INFERNO, you read it right, our famous author named Inferno induced communist hell put this issue in the Evelyn’s tale with the logic of large intestine amoebae.
The or a secret madam who fell from a tree and the man who loves her are stuck with the ticket loop throughout the novel… The evil leader Vladimir Ilic Lenin fires a mortar from a barracks and detonates the loop, the man protecting the secret madame-Evelyn? - goes blind; the man's eyes open, this time madame is wearing black but her glasses. They should have get married before they beg for mercy on the streets by acquiring a blind coyote or a hyena—a dictatorial Soviet general—like them, pulling it off the leash, and sometimes putting it on traitors.
The glasses number of the officer who married them is thicker than twelve and a half, that is, the size of the bottom of the water glass, but on the one hand, Evelyn caresses Lenin and on the other hand wants us to have pity on her heroes; So much so that he sends an Turkish Islamic terror induced militant and makes the wedding officer's eyes gouged out, just because the tale tellers the creator of the types I wrote anyway… In short: so-and-so, comme si comme ça; challenge is your horse/horse’s horse and birds will eat it too!
However, Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves can think about what lottery ticket buyers might think. According to their daily logic exercises, if there is a winning trick in the spinning deck, the spin is definitely in the customer's favor. Why should the customer get tired and have to choose one of the many tickets? Why stay? But doesn't a person who chooses one or more tickets say to himself, "Let the others stay"? Do they take what they choose or leave what they don't, for God's sake? Every customer who takes care of what he has bought and keeps it in his bosom, always has two ways in front of him: keeping his mind stuck on the tickets left behind or keeping his ticket carefully, from evil eyes. Elem cress plug… Swollen eyes. The couple of the main characters defined hereby, who caresses us, writes a scenario with Ottoman’s Turks of Turks’ Ottomans, the current representative of those who founded the Ottoman State’s would be empire, with the torpedo of her older brother O. K. who should be nobody, without letting go of her calamity. He had struck a lottery coin to one of the captains, and while the ticket was being hidden, the households were having nightmares; In the country that defecates pigeons on its statues and its military personnel always call it "Hot", I'm famous for its foot...
However, if Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves think that they are selling numbers other than numbers that cannot win, which is an undeniable fact that they think so in some lotteries, then, when buying wholesale tickets, they also ask the wholesaler to return the tickets, and even though it is not possible to return the wholesale tickets, a similar mechanism is used. . For example, if the computer fills the depths of a virtual space with all the numbers, instead of a rectangular prism-because the height of each ticket is a very small prism-round tickets, one can make their purchases after spinning those balls as long as they want. … What am I saying? We cannot think as much as Ali Baba and the forty Thieves, or even the hair of their logical speculation. Come on, those who write are writing, isn't it a pity for those who read? No bullshit after this episode, okay? Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves in-, sorry twenty more thieves-in Ali Baba half-in my brother-well, the citizen who sells the national lottery knows that the main problem is not in retail sales, but in wholesale purchases. If the seller has the lucky ticket, wouldn't the buyers necessarily have a chance to win? It is found! Suppose, then, that the dealer of our jackpot topic and that dealer spin are still given special attention. Since not all tickets can be placed on the loop, tickets for the loop will be selected by going through another loop - a front loop. But can there be an alternative other than putting this idea and its counter-proposal in the loop? According to the main method, no! Our seller knows that ticket rotation is unreliable in every way before it can be transferred from strength to practice, in other words, from theory to action. Whether you spin a whole ticket or partially, no matter how many steps you spin, these spins have nothing to do with hitting the lottery. How far? Until the tickets-returning tickets-of course-start to spin in front of the customer... From that moment on, the seller knows that returning the ticket can create a breaking point, a turning point in the fate of the buyer!
Fate plays tricks on the lottery, and the lottery is for people who buy tickets. The number of these persons is forty; their names are forty thieves. No, my child, do not upset your mother! Then can I say "Ali Baba and the forty Thieves" to those who sell tickets? There's no realm of arrogance, don't be rude. What then is a "PRIVATE"? Ha-Ha-Ha… You made me laugh too, as meat balls would make meat ball serviced infinitely. So, whose toy is the seller, mommy: your destiny, your lottery or your customer? Your destiny, of course… As the ugly-watch-faced-girls say, whose fiancée went to the military, MEDICAL! What is natural? Here it is: fate has the seller sell the jackpot's millions for a few cents to a lucky pig-pepper-on-the-mouth now, mommy-okay, to a lucky citizen. What if he didn't sell it and took it home, mom... Mommy, listen to me. Shut up baby, look, it's a shame on uncles. Mommy, why doesn't uncle salesman take home the big jackpot ticket? Is such a ridiculous thing possible, my son, why take it?
After a brief silence Lenin cried,
Hush mom, I'm Pastor Pasteur! Won't you have pity on a blind scholar when your tail is hit? I'm a pilot, pilot. My name is Vladimir, I am a pilot at Syrian Airlines. In-in. I'm a runway cleaner, I got hit in the coccyx, I went blind. Get out. I'm very shrewd, I went on stage with the lie that I can't see, I took the goods, I don't need a lottery. Baby, talk a little like normal people. What kind of normal conversation? For example, “Water drowns people, fire burns”! Come on, boiling water will burn you. What is it: come on blah blah? You'll see when you get home. Mom we said hop! Your son has found the rabies vaccine, you're still putting him in for a baby. Now tell me, why haven't sellers taken all the jackpot tickets home to this day? I don't know, my child, you are a great scholar, I am an uneducated woman; Even though I am your mother, I am an ignorant person next to you! Why didn't they take the answer? Maybe it was someone who took them, I don't know… There were others who took them; Why didn't they take it?
ALOO! Hello Aunt Madam, please remove this child from the ticket queue; Look, it's tempting the customer. Baby, what you call a child is PASTE! This boy is the inventor who will save everyone from rabies in the future. Aunt, I'm a chemistry doctor, what a PASTOR Pasteur? Many decades have passed since that inventor passed away… Then this boy was IBN HALDUN! Any objections? Laughter around… IBN-I WHAT? IBN-I WHAT? HA, HA, HA… We had no laughter. Mom said that man moon; Is it an IBN Ha-ha-ha thing? The cold, icy air is blowing in the crowd. His mother slaps Ibn Khaldun, they come out of the queue. The ignorant people grumble after them…

One should confess that all those Hyper Realist utterings was coming from the dusty archive shelves of the main cosmic department X, that-meanwhile-was waiting for a little comments; it did have some preliminary notes on the matter, but as often and understandably happens, and indeed should happen, in view of the meticulous nature of all the literary work done, the head of department was relying on us to send something as commentary, whereupon one would either appoint the dwarf English Aphrodite or, if necessary, correspond with Vladimir Ilyich Lenin on the subject further. As a result, he might have neglected to look at the preliminary notes and let the whole affair lapse into oblivion. In another cosmic department Anti-X, however, the cover of the file reached an official well known for his conscientiousness, Stalin by name, a promising butcher. Even to me, and I’m in the know, it’s hard to understand why a man of his abilities is left languishing in one of the lowest-ranking positions of all. Well, this Stalin naturally could have misled us back the empty cover of the file, asking for the rest of it. But many hours, if not days, had passed since those first documents were drawn up for Cosmic department X, which is understandable, for when, as generally happens, a file is sent in the proper way it reaches the right department within a day at the latest, and is dealt with that same day. From the other side if it gets lost-and considering the excellent reliability of the communist communication it really has to try very hard to get lost or it will never succeed in doing so then it can indeed take a very long time because of Stalin’s interventions. Inasmuch as when we could have received Stalin’s satanic plots to hinder some kind of reliable interlocutions based on candid intercommunication for the sake of the Free Thought induced World.
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