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Old 01-28-2005, 04:12 PM
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Default Re: Dirty Liberal Media!

Originally Posted by TomJoe
Originally Posted by Godless Dave
And you believe him? He doesn't exactly have a good track record for telling the truth or keeping his word.
And which politician does?
You have to admit Bush lies far more frequently and far more blatantly than most. Claiming there were ties between Saddam and Al Qaida after the 9/11 commission and the CIA both said publicly there were not is pretty blatant. Then there's the whole WMD thing.

Originally Posted by TomJoe
Originally Posted by Godless Dave
Not in their back pocket so much as cowed into submission. Except for CNN, which IS in the administration's back pocket...
You're kidding with this right? CNN in the White House's back pocket? Seriously... where was the laughing smiley face that should have accompanied this comment?
CNN=Cheney News Network. They spend 23 hours a day kissing Bush's ass. When was the last time you saw Scott Ritter on one of their pundit fests? Remember their "reporting" on the Pentagon's WMD claims? Remember how they reported, verbatim, the Swift Boat Veterans' claims about Kerry, but never did even a cursory investigation into whether any of those veterans had actually served with Kerry? (It turned out most of them hadn't, some of them hadn't even been in Vietnam at the same time). Did CNN report on the author of the Medicare Prescription bill who immediately left government for a job with a pharmaceutical company? On Rumsfeld facing indictment in a German court for war crimes? On the number of unemployed Iraqis who have lost jobs to foreign contractors? On the widespread employment (at US taxpayer expense) of mercenaries in Iraq?

The kicker for me, though, was the David Letterman flap, where CNN claimed Letterman had faked a tape of a boy yawning at a Bush rally, based solely on the White House's say-so. Furthermore, they made the claim right after they aired the tape: it was obvious they'd received a phone call from the White House telling them to shape up. It turned out, of course, that the tape wasn't faked, but they didn't admit it until Letterman made fun of them.

And notice how all TV news sources, including PBS, and most print sources refer to the Iraqi resistance as "rebels" and "insurgents", coincidentally the exact terms the Pentagon uses.

I agree much of this is due to laziness on the part of reporters and editors and greed on the part of the corporations that own these stations. But some of it seems to be fear of some kind of repercussions from the government if they ask tough questions or report uncomfortable facts.
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