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Old 05-07-2017, 01:07 AM
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Default Re: Movies that aren't really BAD -- but aren't very good, either

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 was ... okay, in my opinion.

My overwhelming feeling upon watching it was, "Eh, we've seen all of this before." It didn't help that all the really best bits were in the trailers.

And oh look, they're fighting another super-powerful villain who wants to destroy the Universe in a fight that none of them should survive, because the villain could annihilate all of them in an instant. With a thought. But, for some reason, he's too incompetent to actually get around to doing so.

Oh, and have I mentioned that I hate contrived coincidences? "Oh look, they have a whole planet to wander around on, yet -- somehow -- Gamora and Nebula managed to just happen upon the one place* on the whole frikkin' planet that's soooper relevant to the plot. What an amazing coincidence!"

Still, there's lots of action, lots of explosions, and lots of pretty colors. If you kind of shut your brain off and try not to think about whether any of this makes any sense, it's enjoyable enough.

*Maybe there were other such sites. Even so, it's a ridiculously contrived coincidence.
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-- Socrates
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Thanks, from:
BrotherMan (05-07-2017), JoeP (05-07-2017), Kamilah Hauptmann (05-07-2017), slimshady2357 (05-07-2017), Sock Puppet (05-07-2017), Stormlight (05-08-2017), Watser? (05-07-2017), Zehava (05-07-2017)
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