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Old 11-02-2012, 02:54 PM
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lisarea lisarea is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
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Default Re: Voter fraud vs. voter *registration* fraud

We just got one of these for my mom, but I think it was from the League of Women Voters or something. She has a pretty bad voting record here ever since she moved to New Mexico. So I was just reading about that practice. Apparently, they've studied responses, and people are more likely to vote if they get called out for not voting in the past.

It is pretty shitty and creepy, though, and I am against it.

But also this provides me with a convenient segue.

You guys might have read about this, where our wingnut secretary of state has been pushing some ridiculously extensive and expensive purge of voter rolls. After spending all kinds of time and money on the project, he maybe found like 141 people who maybe aren't eligible to vote, at least one of whom didn't even know he'd been inadvertently registered.

Voter Purging Resurfaces in Colorado - ABC News

Colorado Secretary of State Gives Up On Voter Purge | ThinkProgress

Here is the thing, though: I know where there are at least three ineligible voters who are currently on the voter rolls. My house is where!

No shit. There are three people who have lived here at different times who have since moved out of state, filed change of address forms, registered to vote and drive and everything in their new states, who are all still registered to vote here. Until recently, they were sending them all mail in ballots! If we were Republicans, we could have doubled our household voting bloc.

I've tried to get them taken off, but nobody seems all that interested in purging ineligible voters with European sounding names.

They sure are putting a lot of effort into preventing poor, young, and brown people from voting, and they'll berate you for using legal identification methods they don't like; but they can't even be fucked to check change of address forms or anything to prevent middle class white people from voting multiple times.
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Thanks, from:
Adam (12-18-2012), Angakuk (11-03-2012), ceptimus (11-02-2012), chunksmediocrites (11-03-2012), Clutch Munny (11-02-2012), Demimonde (11-02-2012), erimir (11-02-2012), Janet (11-03-2012), Kael (11-02-2012), livius drusus (11-09-2012), Nullifidian (11-02-2012), Pan Narrans (11-02-2012), Sauron (11-02-2012), Sock Puppet (11-05-2012), Stephen Maturin (11-02-2012), Stormlight (11-02-2012), The Man (11-02-2012), Watser? (11-02-2012)
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