If you are a fan of "history," sorry to burst your bubble. But that's just the way things are. Why is it that way? Well the main reason is this old saying. "History is written by the victors." Of course, that doesn't make it true. Also, there is a truism that says, "In war, truth is the first casualty." No doubt, for the winning side, it remains a casualty.
There were a couple notable people from the past who had some correct views on history. One was Napoleon. He said, "History is a set of lies agreed upon." Another was Tolstoy. He said, "History would be a wonderful thing. If it were only true." Of course, if it weren't for history, I wouldn't know these things. But for the most part, it is as I said.
I may try to tell you some true history. But given the power of the victors, I don't think it would go very far. One of the reasons is spoken about in this song.