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Old 09-11-2012, 05:09 AM
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Tim Brewer Tim Brewer is offline
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Default Re: The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities

Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.

Hello, and welcome to Mayan, countdown calendar 101,
for Monday, 09.10.2012!, Mayan 100, is on 9.11,
or 09.11.2012! Why This Day? Good question,
and we will explore that, and many others!

To be continued...
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Old 09-11-2012, 06:35 PM
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Tim Brewer Tim Brewer is offline
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Default Re: The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities

The Mayans,
Final Countdown!
Level: 9 & The Last!
100 Days!, & Counting Down,
Too 12.21.2012!, Global Conscious!

Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.

Hello, I'm Tim Brewer,
from Dayton, Ohio!
I'm Here, Making A Difference!
Providing You More, Than You Can Imagine!
Please, allow me the chance, to show You!

With that said,
you don't know me from Adam,
but I can play,
a bigger role, in your life,
than Adam, or Atoms!
if given the

How can that be?
I offer you more,
than you get,
with Adam,
or Adams!
Thinking with your little head,
can get you, only so far!
Please feel free, and
try it, for the next
100 Mayan days!
I hope, it works
out for you!
I offer more!
A chance!
An effort,
to grow,

Today is, 911!
A disaster, that never should of happened, 11 years ago!
People on top, of The World Trade Centers, like I once stood,
as a tourist. The scary reality, as flames, and smoke, shoot up
all around you, like you're in Hell, and just moments ago,
your life was normal. Thought, flashing through your head,
your cell phone don't work, because of the volume of
calls, and you have to make a choice, die this way,
or jump to your death, like the movie Iris, in reverse!
Did the people of 911, make an impact with Heaven?
Yes, they did! If these people, had time,
they could of planned, a head, and
had Parachutes, giving them
more, than the hard reality,
of hitting the payment
below! Today, you
are given a
to plan

Yes, as crazy, as it might sound,
The Mayans, knew all about, 12.21.2012!
How do you comprehend that?
Easy, they know now,
but no way,
to inform
us, until

Today, The Mayans Give Us 100 days,
to get our act together,
or we too, will face
the hard reality of
My goal, is to slow you down,
think about this, and plan
ahead, to fix it!
I grant you,
The World Trade Center,
and a parachute,
is not as good
as a stairway
to heaven,
or back to
the ground,
but it's an
We live in a world of flight!
Nobody wants to fight,
just flight!
Being that I'm from Dayton, Ohio, America,
Home of the Wright Brothers, who booked out of town,
one day, them self's. I will stay behind for now,
until at least 12.21.2012, and help, with our FIGHT,
To Have The Best 12.21.2012, We Can!
&feature=g-histAs the entertaining director, for this topic.
I'm holding nothing back,
Maybe, counting down,
our last, 100 Days!
No ego, here,
just natural

On 12.21.2012!
I plan on having a
Doomsday Party Here!,
And on my, Facebook Wall!
A good day,
to bounce

How did we get to this point?
Class Room, To Class Room,
Paycheck, to Paycheck!
Got focus, on our life's!
No Time For This!
They claim, we have 40,000 thoughts a day,
on average. We even save some up!
Your Top 10 thoughts!
Thank you, for sliding me in there!
Tim Brewer - YouTube
Everybody want you to remember,
so much stuff, where you find the time?
Learn to say "No!"
You got 100, 40,000 thoughts days,
for sure, don't waste them,
no more, than you can!
Move over, and
hang out here
more, as a
safe place!
Sure, I post my thoughts here,
and it would be nice, if you get a feel for them,
but you are free, to think here too, and post your
thoughts too! I use to love, to ride my bike,
across my housing plat, growing up,
heading to the park, to play!
Welcome to my Park!
I have it all here, and you too, in thought!
Negative, Positive,
Seeing, adjusting,
To Changing
&feature=g-histAfter giving up a seven year career, making a lot of money,
as a Vice President, of A Financial company,
I made a choice, to put myself
in this position,
At the end, of these 100 days,
if it turns out that way, and I was not,
given a chance, to communicate correctly with Heaven.
I can provide you, mental hugs, from here!
Now, if you change your mind, and trust me!
We have a chance, to help this situation,
contacting Heaven correctly,
flying right, with Brain Gate!
Sure, is something to
think about, with
other questions!
Goal Thinking Time:
Expecting The Worst!
Hoping, For The Best!
How can we,
plan ahead now,
for the worst?
Good question!
What is the worst,
that could happen?
- You die?
- Etc?
The worst, is now!
You're Lost, and you have 100 days, to figure it out,
with a good solution, than the ones, you have been hearing!
The worst, is not getting me National Media Attention Soon!
Park the Space Shuttle, And Keep Quit, About Time Brewer,
and Hope Nothing Bad, Ever Happens Again! What A Plan!
A lot to think about here, and not enough time, to post it all!

Yes, I focus on bad & good,
looking for the best,
with what we have to work with.
What good stuff, we got!
Keeping up, with it all,
must serve a purpose,
for something...
Thought, vision, and movement,
just like a human orb soul spirit!

At our ground zero,
that is what we get,
in our single orb!
Then, you take our orb,
and place it, next to everybody else's,
like we do, as humans, here on Earth!
There is an inside to energy,
just like there is to,
everything else!
So here we are,
this orb, sending friction of energy,
to our neurons, shooting across our
liquid energy body, and away we go,
to the outside of our body, taking on this world!
The world claims, nobody wants to think about this,
they have big plan, just like the people, in the
World Trade centers did, before they got
hit, from out of the deep blue skies!
The Wright Brothers,
worked long, and hard,
doing everything, they could do,
to make the safest, machine they could!
Their own life, was on the line, leaving
this flat Earth, known by many, over the years!
&feature=relatedThey took a parachute chance, just like the 30
seconds, another Ohioan had, to land on the Moon,
before his gas ran out! Sure, I'm a positive visionary,
like you, and Charles F.Kettering, the man who invented,
the car starter, and founding the Hospital, that kept me alive,
giving you a good chance, to fix all of this with me, if you're ready to start!
Thank you for reading my open ended thoughts,
and getting a feel, for the meaning, of the
YouTube videos I post. Sure, I'm ready,
to contact heaven with Brain Gate,
but until then, I respect our
elders, and I'm going to
continue, to stay here,
and do what I can,
to stop the world,
and fix it!
I hesitate, to say it's over,
&playnext=1&list=PL3FA16B49D0BC8529&feature=results_videobecause the correct people,
could step in, and help me!
So in some ways, It's
like a long, drawn
out, Burt Reynolds,
Pity Fuck!
Sounds crazy, but it's true too!
Worst case, scenario,
the Earth ends like,
the end of the movie
knowing, somewhat,
and we float around,
seeing, like we do,
as humans!
Don't assume,
you will see,
anything else,
forever, and
that is if,
you get off
the ground!
My goal, is to at least, help you, get off the ground!
Who else you know, willing to do that with you?
&feature=relatedAssume, flight, and I will offer you flight!
Assume, Fight, and help me fight,
to contact heaven correctly
Where do you want me, helping your thoughts,
for real life Better,
than Adam, or Atoms,
can do, at this time?
How about, you sleep on it,
with the reality of Heaven!
Yes, you can call heaven,
on real time, through your thoughts!
Go to sleep tonight, and set your internal clock!
Then, in the Morning, pay attention,
how close, your inter orb was,
at waking you up,
before your alarm
clock, goes off!
Your goal, is to calibrate it,
within one minute!
Sounds tough, don't it?
That just shows you,
how much respect,
you got for an orb,
that keeps you thinking,
and breathing!,

At least,
we can get our
thoughts, in line
for something!
What lines,
you focused on,
before 12.21.2012!

We can call it an adventure!
A world of thought,
getting our time
In case I forget to say, in the next 100 days!
I can't say, thank you enough, for our time here together!
If I'm kept, just to floating around, seeing, thinking,
feeling, then let that be the case, but to get
the chance, to interact with you, about possible
solutions, along the way, and knowing,
if we go dorm id, or get another chance,
in a different situation.
&feature=relmfu At least we, vented about it, and did what we could!
Now, on the other hand, nothing bad happens, and
it turns out to be nothing.
We should be aware of it, and go that direction,
then we are, surely ahead of the game!,
If nobody can predict the future,
at least, you can imagine how,
all the follow through,
might play out.
Brain Gate, one way!
Tim Brewer
Brain Gate, Another Way!
Humans, WOW, who is this guy?
Next: 12.21.2012!
Stay Tuned, and subscribe here!
Tomorrow show, with 99 Mayan Days, Then!
99 Red Mayan Balloons, connecting dots!
Why all of this?
Just In Case!
What can you do, inform all your friends,
and family, to join us here!
You got my word,
if I can,
I'll be

Last edited by Tim Brewer; 09-11-2012 at 10:45 PM.
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Old 09-12-2012, 04:40 AM
Martin Martin is offline
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Default Re: The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities

Hello Tim Brewer!

I would like to thank you for your inspirational and thought provoking dissertation. I especially enjoyed learning about Charles Kettering and how he invented the car starter and had a radio program. The concept of adding value to something by the very nature that the mass of the assembled parts does something so new and valuable that it is the true cost of the good, and not that of the monetary costs involved with the manufacture of the individual components, is an important and poignant realization.

Going above and beyond this tangent, I found it to be especially consoling when you described your Afterlife Orb Concept of Reality as being not unlike a parachute which will serve to break our fall as we hurdle towards the inevitable reality that is the day 12-21-12. I also was comforted by your assurance that the worst case scenario, of the world ending, is only one of any number of possible outcomes and by its very nature, is the worst. Knowing that your interpretation of reality works for any scenario that occurs is also very reassuring, and as you say, even if everything ends up working out great, the fact that we will all have had an extra 100 days to enjoy the benefits of molding our perceptions unto the worldview of Tim Brewer will only sweeten the pot!

Thank you for all that you have done and please accept my future heartfelt thanks for all that you will do throughout the days, weeks, months, and years to come.

All the Best to you and you have my solemn oath that I will work to my dying day to see that our shared goals are realized!

Sincerely, Your Internet Friend,

Martin :)

On a side note, how do you suppose this works?

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Old 09-13-2012, 04:40 AM
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Tim Brewer Tim Brewer is offline
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Default Re: The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities

Mayan Countdown Calendar Day 99!
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.

Good thoughts Martin,
A boy, borrows $100.00,
between Mom, and Dad,
Then tries, to skim off the top!
He should of given back, equally,
all the change, like I try, and do here!

In this last example,
Martin, got me to think!
I had the time, to think!
In heaven, if it comes down to it.
You might have to do a lot of thinking, on your own!
If you like to follow, follow what? Sure, they might have
a clear uniform, for you, but after that, don't assume right now,
just so we can explore it, every direction, without missing anything!
You see a rock, on the ground, and you know, it has energy inside!
Until we communicate correctly, with energy, why assume,
unless, you have some good dots, to connect with it!
I once had, an unexpected, out of body experience,
floating by the ceiling. In that dot, it was just me!
If there was a Brain Gate, at the time,
and i had access to it, like I offer now!
Sure, why not try that it, after you
watch them, bury your body,
at your Funeral!
What else,
you got?

I have been there, and I done that!
Dot one!, Second To None!
Brain Gate, Should Be Step Number Two!
Getting it set up, for both Parties,
Step Three!, Confirmation, before 12.21.2012!,
The Best, We Can Hope For Now!
But if we make it through 12.21.2012,
we have our foot in the door!
Heaven took me aside,
in 2005, and I did
the homework!
Step (1), Promote, Free Orb soul spirit, Open Invitation!
Step (2), Set up Brain Gate, with an outer sensor, open 24/7!
Step (3), Wait For Results, and analyze them, until it's official!!!
It takes an American President, to make this happen.
I doing what I can, until somebody sings!

Thank you for reading my 99 Mayan thoughts, with those of your own!
Tim Brewer For American President 2012!, Doing what I can, to help!
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Old 09-14-2012, 06:42 AM
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Tim Brewer Tim Brewer is offline
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Default Re: The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities

Mayan Countdown Calendar Day 98!
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
I woke up today, with the thought, we are on a schedule.
&feature=relatedHere's My New Schedule!
&feature=g-all-uWatch baseball again. This was the day, Baseball,
went on strike, when the Reds, had a chance,
to go to the play off's, and they cancelled
the season, over money! I was already, not
happy, on how they treated Pete Rose.
Since, I quit watching, until now,
and they have a chance, for
the playoff's again. I might
watch a game, or two.
You got your routine, down?
What you always tweaking,
about it? You got any plans,
for 12.21.2012? I would be
honored, if you stopped by
here, and see what is going on.
Fall, is almost here, and Halloween,
is going to be scary, this year!
Everybody practicing, to be a Zombie!
I remember, going to my only haunted house,
with my two older Brothers. Anytime I worried,
one of my Brothers, would say, It's only a movie!
The last time, this guy, with a chain saw, said,
while he powered up his chain saw!, "I'll show you a movie!"
After that, I dropped in the crowd, and headed for the exit!

This reminds me, the first time,
I rode, the Racer, roller coaster, at Kings Island.
My older Brother, was with me, and when we reached, the top,
before it took off.
He said, "It was nice, to know you!"
With older Brothers, like that, no wonder,
I'm focused, on communicating correctly,
with heaven! Just a thought!
This time, we go on this ride together!
Everybody is here, with our own experiences!
Remember, it's just a movie, and it was nice, to know you!
Thank you, for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
Tim Brewer For American President 2012!

Last edited by Tim Brewer; 09-14-2012 at 07:14 AM.
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Old 09-15-2012, 05:56 AM
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Default Re: The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities

Mayan Countdown Calendar Day 97!
&feature=relatedReal time, Math Time.
We have 97 days,
before our life,
A lot to
take in,
all at
Doing the Math,
it all adds up.
It could be
real bad.
With that said,
and plenty of time.
What else, we got?
I work today,
but I'll be back,
when time permits
So much to go over, so little time.
&feature=relatedExample, anybody, using your internal clock yet.
Will go over that more, just found this,
&feature=g-histand it remind me, of me. WOW!
I'm always, trying to teach you,
how to learn, while you sleep!
Imagine that!
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Old 09-16-2012, 06:26 AM
Martin Martin is offline
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Default Re: The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities

Hello Tim Brewer!

I just thought I'd chime in and tell you that I agree with your assessment that one's geographical location could be of benefit in regards to the potential scenarios that one might face as a result of profound earth changes.

If the video about Edgar Cayce is indeed accurate, and a shifting in the Earth's rotational axis does occur, in the same direction that Edgar Cayce has predicted, then if all goes well, we here in Ohio will find ourselves in a close driving distance to two of the new oceans that will be formed when the Great Lakes pour out of their banks and begin flowing into the Gulf of Mexico by way of the Mississipi River as the Atlantic Ocean begins to flow into our continent on a westward expansion.

If all goes well, the Appalachian Mountains will keep the Atlantic from over taking us and we will end up finding ourselves, along with the surrounding states, on an island between two great expanses of water, on a forever changed landscape that is the new world, none worse for wear. Of course the complete collapse of the infrastructure and power grid will be obstacles that will need to be overcome, but I suppose we will just have to deal with that as the situation demands.

Until then however, we can feel secure in our belief that the Afterlife, and all of the wonders it holds, will steadfastly await our triumphant arrival. In the meantime, we mustn't rest on our laurels, rather, we should intently focus on redoubling our efforts so that as many people as possible will be aware of the emotionally freeing nature that the full embracement of orb consciousness provides.

On a side note, as you had suggested in one of your previous postings, that the reader test their orb with the "wake up one minute early" experiment. Interestingly, I awoke 5 minutes early, shugging it off, thinking my orb had been a little too fast on the draw, I went back to sleep to grab those 5 minutes not thinking anything of it.

The strange thing is that when I finally arrived at work, I was 5 minutes late! :eek: It was if my orb knew I would take too long in the shower and it was trying to get me out of bed at the right time so that I would be able to get to work on time, as I normally do.

Although I find my orb's efforts to be kindhearted and well intentioned, the test specifically was to wake me up one minute before the alarm went off. If the orb had really been paying attention it would have understood that it was acting as the "alarm", and therefore it should have tried to awaken me 6 minutes early thereby taking into account the extra minute that was originally stated. :chin: Perhaps my orb isn't very good at math, or, perhaps it doesn't care to listen to instruction and take part in scientific research. Either way, I will remain undaunted and continue to scientifically probe and examine the mechanisms by which we may communicate and interact with the energy realm.

Until we next speak, I will again wish you "All the Best", as I eagerly await the next installment in the series of motivational postings that you so graciously choose to share with the world.

All the Best,

Your friend,

Martin :)
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Old 09-16-2012, 08:09 AM
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Tim Brewer Tim Brewer is offline
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Default Re: The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities

Mayan 96!

Good thoughts, Martin.
The strange thing is that when I finally arrived at work, I was 5 minutes late! It was if my orb knew I would take too long in the shower and it was trying to get me out of bed at the right time so that I would be able to get to work on time, as I normally do.

Although I find my orb's efforts to be kindhearted and well intentioned, the test specifically was to wake me up one minute before the alarm went off. If the orb had really been paying attention it would have understood that it was acting as the "alarm", and therefore it should have tried to awaken me 6 minutes early thereby taking into account the extra minute that was originally stated. Perhaps my orb isn't very good at math, or, perhaps it doesn't care to listen to instruction and take part in scientific research. Either way, I will remain undaunted and continue to scientifically probe and examine the mechanisms by which we may communicate and interact with the energy realm.

Good thought, now look at it,
from a different perspective!
Remember, your orb, don't make mistakes,
we do, and you're here, because of your orb.
You too, are connected, You got the front,
and your orb, gets everything else!
You can trick, your orb, because
it deals in energy, and you deal in vision.
Example: You see, because of your orb.
You walk through your perceived space,
your orb, goes through energy,
blood flowing through you, breathing,
when your asleep, when your internal
clock, is playing with you!
In your thoughts, you
believe, your in
control. You
make up,
but a
When that person, proved, you can do it all from sleep,
means, we are right on track here!
Remember, a long time ago, about kids, who have unexpected, near death experiences, come back, like Einsteins! Sleep, is your phone charger!
It you wake up early, respect it, if nothing, but going to the restroom.
I'm not worried about 12.21.2012, yet, unless we see a planet x, in the sky, or they keep Chem Trailing, trying to cover something up, or take us out, if we are a Republican, area, or something!
There is plenty to focus on, and build a equal bond, with your inner thought, is a good thing to practice, and post about. The new awakening, might be, when we all get it better! How big, is your orb? Let's say, you second guessed yourself, and you accidently, cut your self, like I did with that word. Who's fault is it? You see the knife, and the is made up of energy, right down to
the blade. Your inner thought, sees that, when you see, what you see!
You want to do it a curtain way, while your inner thoughts, already knew!
I just get out of the way, and delegate, and I'm good! I'm just like you, Martin, and trying to get better. It we wind up going to heaven, why not get there, with the best we got!
A well tuned, human orb soul spirit energy!
Temporary home, to a whole new world!
You feel no pain, from the inside,
and it's like a special Kings
Island Ride, hearing
energy wave
like above you,
on a bump car ride!
You think, and your orb,
does the rest! Just make sure,
you listen to your inner thoughts too,
only if they are positive! Just because some ducks,
flew over, and you thought it was a negative sign.
We will let the eperts, worry about the negative signs, that are equal to positive, in measurable math, but not needed, if we focus, on positive more!
I'm writing in the dark, and feeling good, but I must rest, long day, longer tomorrow! Thank you, Martin, Gonzo, and all the rest, as we get back in the groove here again, too!
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Old 09-17-2012, 10:56 AM
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Tim Brewer Tim Brewer is offline
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Default Re: The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities

Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.

Before I get started, I want to take this time,
and say, how glad I am, that you took the time,
and came here. I been reviewing a lot of
YouTube videos, and 12.21.2012,
don't look good, not good at all!
With that said, I was sent here,
to help with a good thing.
Contacting Heaven
correctly, if we
are not already
doing it!
I can't
Don't get a chance, to play!
I'll get into the rest later, with more rest,
but for now, this is the best I got!
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts,
for, Mayan 95, and now Mayan 94!
To be continued, when time permits!
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Old 09-18-2012, 02:39 AM
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Tim Brewer Tim Brewer is offline
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Default Re: The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities

Thank you, for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.

I'm in the mood,
for a thought movie.
How about you?

We had no control, coming into this world,
and now, I believe, dancing with Heaven,
is our best option, until we wake up!
Fighting For Faith!
&feature=context-gahDancing For Free, Here!
&feature=g-histSure, These Times, Are Tough!
&feature=context-gahPlease, Take A Chance Here!

Regardless, if you're just born,
or if you have been around,
for a while. Were here,
making, a difference!
Planning ahead,
with what
we got!

Please Pray,
with me,
as we
Our First Goal,
Is To Give Serendipity, A Chance!
The Adam, And Eve, 12.21.2012, Option.
In a world, where we are conditioned,
to think about us. Must now help,
setting up life, for the next
Generation, not even
born yet! Our goal,
is to help this

Based, on an unplanned reason.
I must leave, for a short time,
so I can get back,
and we can
focus on
To be continued...
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Old 09-18-2012, 07:48 AM
Martin Martin is offline
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Default Re: The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities

Hello Tim Brewer,

Message received, loud and clear! Not only do I agree with your assertion that while we are here, on earth, we should use our time productively, but we should do good while we are at it!

How better to be productive than to get ready for the next life in the Afterworld. The great thing about the Tim Brewer Lifestyle is that in addition to being well prepared for the coming "orb consciousness" that is inching ever closer with each passing day, we are also enjoying our time here more efficiently because our mindset will take out of pain and into pleasure.

In addition, working to advance the scientific understanding as to the true nature of the energy realm is not only fun, but could also serve to be of great benefit for the next generations that will inhabit the world after the upcoming "phase-shift" that is scheduled to occur with the arrival of the day 12-21-12.

In regard to your most recent posting, I not only wish to thank you for your words of inspiration, but I also wanted to thank you for your words of encouragement in regards to my perception of the true nature of my orb, as posted in one of your previous dissertations.

The idea of how my orb was actually waking me up 5 minutes early, instead of 6, for good reason really serves to comfort me in an otherwise turbulent and tumultuous world. In your upcoming absence I will endeavor to focus my attention on this concept. The thought of how I am only viewing the world as a set of eyes "seeing" through the interface panel of my orb is a truly profound concept. When your mentioned how the energy realm is not bound by the obstacles that we face, here within our fleshly existence, it really underscores the "eternalness" of the universe, and in order to minimize any discomfort that would be associated with bad decision making choices, and thoughts, instead of rebelling against my orb, I will instead allow my orb to take the reins and thereby act in a more active role in relation to my freewill decision making choices.

I am confident that by the time your absence has passed, and we are celebrating your triumphant return here at the freethought-forum, I will have fully integrated this new lesson into my psyche and as a result, I will be reaping the many benefits that this new mindset's will surely reward! :)

Until we next speak, I wish you, "All the Best", as I eagerly anticipate your speedy return,

Your Friend,

Martin :)
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Thanks, from:
Gonzo (09-18-2012)
Old 09-18-2012, 08:28 PM
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Default Re: The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities

Thank you, for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.

Hello, Everybody!
We have come a long way here,
with over eighty thousand views!
There was a time here, we had more time,
to celebrate, such an achievement!
Our Big Goal, Is Getting Closer!
I'm focused, on this one too!
Hello Tim Brewer,
Message received, loud and clear! Not only do I agree with your assertion that while we are here, on earth, we should use our time productively, but we should do good while we are at it!

How better to be productive than to get ready for the next life in the Afterworld. The great thing about the Tim Brewer Lifestyle is that in addition to being well prepared for the coming "orb consciousness" that is inching ever closer with each passing day, we are also enjoying our time here more efficiently because our mindset will take out of pain and into pleasure.

In addition, working to advance the scientific understanding as to the true nature of the energy realm is not only fun, but could also serve to be of great benefit for the next generations that will inhabit the world after the upcoming "phase-shift" that is scheduled to occur with the arrival of the day 12-21-12.

In regard to your most recent posting, I not only wish to thank you for your words of inspiration, but I also wanted to thank you for your words of encouragement in regards to my perception of the true nature of my orb, as posted in one of your previous dissertations.

The idea of how my orb was actually waking me up 5 minutes early, instead of 6, for good reason really serves to comfort me in an otherwise turbulent and tumultuous world. In your upcoming absence I will endeavor to focus my attention on this concept. The thought of how I am only viewing the world as a set of eyes "seeing" through the interface panel of my orb is a truly profound concept. When your mentioned how the energy realm is not bound by the obstacles that we face, here within our fleshly existence, it really underscores the "eternalness" of the universe, and in order to minimize any discomfort that would be associated with bad decision making choices, and thoughts, instead of rebelling against my orb, I will instead allow my orb to take the reins and thereby act in a more active role in relation to my freewill decision making choices.

It's feels good, that Martin,
Is keeping up, with my plan,
at this time.
I Hope, You Do Too!
Build Better Thoughts,
With What We Have To Work With!
Knowing Things Change, Gives Us An Edge, With All of Our Dreams!
Adjust, Adjust, Adjust, Until We Are All, Happy With It!
Thank you, for all your views, and positive support!
Moving forward in thought, Is everything we can,
please come along, with this mental, measurable adventure.
Plenty of space for you, until 12.21.2012!
After that, who knows, but until then,
we will be as ready, as we can be,
from the inside out, and then some!
Your first step, send your friends here!
The more thoughts, the more options!
When ever you're ready, to feel good,
it's save the world time!
To be continued,
by you too!
In God We

With that said!
Who do I remind you of today?
Free clue here, within reason!
&feature=g-vrecOnce again, in life, we must reach inside, and work our mind muscles!
We know we got it, we just never, think about, using it.
I have no control, about outside influences, but we do,
have control, of our internal orb soul spirit!
Human is movement, as energy is!
Heaven is thought, like humans are!
I offer a free hub here, to analyze,
this more!, The Mayan, had to
use an inside influence,
like we are doing

Bones, are orb soul spirit, evolution!
Everything with your body,
is Orb soul Spirit

Last edited by Tim Brewer; 09-18-2012 at 11:15 PM.
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Old 09-20-2012, 11:42 AM
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Tim Brewer Tim Brewer is offline
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Default Re: The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities

Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
&feature=g-hist91 Mayan Countdown Calendar Days Remaining.
What will it be like, when we get, even closer?
That depends, on other people, further up
the food chain, and what role, they want,
me to play. I offer my free services,
after Friday, when I finish paying
on my Presidential Campaign
For 2012, Like I'm Always
offering, on our journey,
to expect the worst,
and fix it, with the
best we got, at
that time, like
just another
day, so we
can cope
with it
&feature=g-histI been
there, and done that.
I offer a wealth of information,
like you do, when the time is correct.
Why have you, only used a small part
of your brain DNA? You go a long way,
just like your skin, is always changing!
You got more going on, all around you,
but you just never had a good reason,
to analyze it, until now!
&feature=g-histExpecting, 12.21.2012, could be bad,
then you need a back up plan!
&feature=g-histContacting heaven, with Brain Gate gives us an option,
but we don't have that yet, but we can assume,
if we did, it would work, and what we could learn from that!
&feature=g-vrecImagine for a moment, your internal thoughts, are part of your
own joystick, and you have the ability, to control everything!
I ask you to use me, as your public, go to guy,
but I inform you, how to be the best, you can be!
Some videos, claim, 12.21.2012, will happen fast,
as your Orb gets pulled off Earth, and pulled
by planet , taking you for a ride, into
outer space, wondering, how your
thoughts, just took a turn,
for 35,000 hundred years!
Planet X, magnetic
field, is at least
4 times stronger,
than Earth,
as it zips
what a new orb awareness,
might be, now that we seam to have aliens,
interested, in helping us, according to some dots!
I believe, aliens, have religious thoughts, even though
some, are a lot, like the worst humans, we have to offer!
If we get a higher power, offering more than me, we have to listen.

Evil want you, thinking negative, when we need to think positive!
Positive saves time, powered by the invisible force, of the magnetic field!
By having higher powers, thinking about us, leads you to believe,
we re all green, about this level nine, new awakening, and the best thing you can do now, is get your internal clock, set to go off, before you wake up,
and see what happens! After that go to bed on a problem, and listen
for a solution in the morning, if it's positive!, If you get a negative solution, please feel free, and post it here! Our goal, is to except the worst,
and know, there is a solution, or we would not be getting all these clues,
right before crunch time! Call it your religion, or what, but thinking positive, with the will, to live, you will live! Think negative in the end, and you will get plenty! Focus past dust, doom, and gloom, and hang in there, going up, until you can see it all, if you're in that situation, but know, you're doing this,
and this is what you must do, giving you the best chance, with any chance!
Remember, negative helps you think about positive more!
There is no race here, just different vibration, until it levels off again!
I have no doubt, we are all here for a reason!, There is no good reason,
why we should go down a time bandit, negative road, when there will
always be a negative road, and a positive one, just a thought away,
going anywhere, you want to perceive, listing to your inner
thoughts, take you out of negative, and into positive!
Sure, we could go further down the thought process,
but getting to understand, your fundamental
orb soul spirit abilities, is what we do,
have control over, so adjust to it,
and have that thought process,
on stand by! I'm sorry,
I'm back, with doom
and gloom,
91 day
I'm still focused on positive,
as you should be, and enjoy the calm,
before the potential, 12.21.2012, perfect Storm!
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
Based on time, and pulling teeth sometimes, to post here.
I only getting a curtain window, on edit, to add stuff,
and I have to work today. I'll throw in a couple of things!
Good Night, And God Bless You!
Watching the views,
Somebody is here!
Thank you,
Tim Brewer
Living the Biggest, 12.21.2012, Bucket List Dream, of All Time!
And we thought 12.21.2012, was enough pain,
to get me elected, at one time!
Be careful, what you hope for!
Tim Brewer For U.S. President 2012!
To be continued, on Mayan 90!

Last edited by Tim Brewer; 09-20-2012 at 12:05 PM.
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Old 09-26-2012, 03:17 AM
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Default Re: The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities

Thank you, for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.

Where have I been?
Reviewing a lot of YouTube video's,
and all the time, associated with doing that.
With that said, I'll do my best, and make sense, of it all!
Example, think about this...
&feature=g-vrecHere, is a man, who use to be, the Governor of Minnesota,
and he's having to find answer, himself!
With about 87 Mayan days remaining,
my goal, is to hurry up this process.

Last edited by Tim Brewer; 09-26-2012 at 03:29 AM.
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Old 10-01-2012, 07:45 AM
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Default Re: The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities

Thank you, for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.

After interacting, with a political friend.
My Presidential campaign, is over.
The math is not there anymore.
With that said, my internal
thoughts, has placed,
communicating with
Brain Gate, on
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Old 10-02-2012, 05:39 AM
Martin Martin is offline
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Default Re: The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities

Originally Posted by Tim Brewer View Post
Thank you, for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.

After interacting, with a political friend.
My Presidential campaign, is over.
The math is not there anymore.
With that said, my internal
thoughts, has placed,
communicating with
Brain Gate, on
Hello Tim Brewer,

As your loyal internet friend, it is my hope that I am able to take you out of pain and put you back into pleasure by reminding you that regardless of what has happened, or what might happen, you are, and will continue to be, you! :P

You will still have all of the knowledge that you have, and I will still continue to be your loyal internet follower, regardless of if you are president or not. As I see it, the worse case scenario would be that the world would end and everyone would find themselves floating around in the void of space as Afterlife Orbs, and there you and I will be, laughing at them and ridiculing them for their short sighted decision making choices.

Eternity is a long time after all, and it will be the non-believers who will be subject to the torment and mockery we will thrust upon them in their confused and helpless state. They will be locked in a state where the only thought they will be able to entertain will be that of dismay and regret, whereas you and I will be traveling around the empty void of the space/energy realm, sitting back in the lap of luxury, enjoying our souped up Afterlife Orb way of doing things.

Once this happens, it will be you and I who will be laughing, and it will be the unbeliever who feels the deeply rooted feelings of resentment and isolation. If they could trade it all in for just one more chance to blindly follow your wise and solemn teachings, they would do it, but by then, it will be too late. :doh:

Even if it is only you and I, then let it be, you and I! Tim Brewer and Martin vs. The World. We have truth, justice, and the American way behind us....and everyone else.....well they only have the paper thin delusions that serve to obfuscate their perception of the true reality. When all of the dust clears, it will be evident who was right and who was wrong. In the meantime though, I'll just sit back, knowing that I have subjugated my freewill decision making choices unto the path of righteousness and truth, which happens to be the Worldview of Tim Brewer. :D

Until we next speak, I wish you nothing but the Best!

Sincerest Regards,

Martin :)
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Old 10-08-2012, 06:52 AM
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Default Re: The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities

Hello, Martin!
Thank you!
&feature=g-histI will be back, when time permits!
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Old 11-21-2012, 02:11 AM
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Default Re: The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities

Thank you,
for reading my,
invisible thoughts,
with those of your own.

The Last 31,
Mayan Calendar,

Where am I,
with all of this?
Under the weather,
for the next couple of days,
from work, but good enough,
to hang out, with all of you, through it!
I turned in my notice, for December 12.09.2012!
How Big, is the Mayan work calendar, to me? That Big!

I love Freethought forum,
but my topic, for me anyway,
is running real slow here.
With that said, I'm
"A" Sequel topic,
and seeing,
if that helps!
The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities,
The Last 31, Mayan Calendar, Countdown Days!
Sounds, Too long!
How about:


----------------- "A" List! ------------------------

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Old 12-21-2012, 10:32 PM
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Default Re: The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities

*** Special Edition! ****
The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities!

Thank you for reading, my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.

Mayan, Countdown Calendar Doomsday, 12.21.2012!,
Is Wrapping Up, Around The World,
And except, For The Loss,
Of My Mom! What Else,
Has Happened,
Around The,

Sure, I have so many mixed emotions here,
on the last day of my bucket list here!
In my life, I only had one loose end,
left with my Mom, and that is why,
I'm here today! Early on, in this
Journey, I promised, I would
be here to the end of my
"A" List, for my Mom,
who once said,
I never end,
what I,

With that said, I started this topic, seven years ago,
and made it here! I'm an open ended option,
that has no end, except measuring,
my effort with it, today!
We picked this day,
Doomsday, As our,
Pain, to bring,
to this,

In that respect, to my internal thoughts, and my Mom.
We did that! If you're new here, my mom got dementia,
after we I started this topic.

As we thought forward, with this topic,
her condition got worst!
She was stuck in her orb,
with little access,
to here brain!
For people,
in this,
Brain Gate, would be perfect!
I never used this topic, for my own personal use,
or any close relative's! Early on, I claimed,
I would show no one, favoritism,
and I did not! Martin,
Steve, and Gonzo,
Earned it!
I love,

So what have we learned, here today?
Paradigm, fractals, in an Ironic way!

Maybe, but we still have Chem trails,
blocking sunset, and it's to cloudy,
to see what is up there!
Oh, you heard, N.A.S.A.,
Say, nothing new,
up there?
I guess,

Maybe, the Chem Trails, were just "A" safe guard,
in case, and we will never see them again!
If I do, I'll think of my Mom, and keep
going, until my last days!

So what, is still, unresolved!
Communicating correctly,
with Alzheimer's,
And "A",

I'll be back,
as we analyze,
this more!
I love,
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Old 12-22-2012, 12:56 AM
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Default Re: The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities

Hello, Neighbor!
It's Been, "A", Crazy Year!
So crazy, We need to review,
everything, again, from "A",
Too, "Z!" Why?, Things
change, that fast,
and were right,
there, in the
middle, of
it all!
With that said,
and in the movie,
Beautiful Mind.
We got too,
get out,
First, place!
Another, new topic!
Were not here, for views,
but speed, to stay up, with you!
Things, change, and we will change, right along, with you!

I'm thinking, we need a new topic, with a new name!

How about:

- Orb!
- Orb Life!
- Anther Orb Day!
- Answers To The Test!
- My Orb, What Have I Done!
- Ain't no orb, like the one I got!
- Orb Gas!
- Kiss my orb!
- Looking through an orb, I saw you!
- The Orb Circle, of Life!
- Orb Hub!
- Orb Dot!
- Orbiting!
- Orb, News!
- Orb Ship, Lolly pop!
- Orb-in!
- Chem Trails, Got to go!
- Groundhog, Grandpa, Can't See His Shadow, For Chem Trails!
Note: What Audience, Are We Trying To Reach? All of them!
- Everybody, is an orb, but they don't know it!
- Our goal, is to help them with that!
- We want them, to be drawn into, their own orb!
- We already know, we can save the world here,
without question, but they don't, know that!
Sure, we took some early hits here,
like we did, in other place, but
orb life, does go on, even,
if were not sure, how
human's are doing,
right now!

New Topic, thought!


- Orb Follow Through!

We got "A" Winner!
- Orb Tough!
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Old 11-26-2013, 01:58 PM
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Tim Brewer Tim Brewer is offline
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Television Re: The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities

Hello, To My Freethought Friends.
With 12.21.2013, coming soon.
I couldn't help, but share,
some more, of my orb,
invisible thoughts.
I'm starting a new,
topic here.
Tim Brewer,
Orb Head,
If we can be friends. You knew, one day,
I would be back, didn't you? I just saw the link,
& here I am. Many good memories. Anyway, we have to start, someplace.
In Heaven, your in it. You're in it, as a baby human, & growing up, with my free internal orb. We have come a long way, & I'm Still Your Orb Guy!
Lord Knows, That I'm Not Perfect., but I try everyday, to get better.
Example: If I'm On A Mission For God, please, tune in your orb.
If Anybody here, has been, my Facebook friend. Please,
try again. Timi Brewer, or Tim Brewer.
Seriously!!!, I'm your best candidate,
in 2012? Why not, make a run,
in 2016? I'm A Veteran Now!
I'm An Lesser Known,
Veteran Independent,
I Served,
A Public,
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Thanks, from:
Contrapposto (11-26-2013), Demimonde (11-26-2013), Stormlight (11-26-2013)

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