We an kill of Niki, only if we beat her to death with the corpses of Matt and his stupid wife.
I was happily unspoiled with Takei's guest appearance as Sulu-san. So, the reveal at the end excited every fanboy nerve in my body. Also, seeing Claire's bio-mom light up her smoke without matches or a lighter got me giddy.
Even though this episode felt kinda filler-ish, it advanced the plot and kept me engaged...unlike too many episodes of Lost.
I really liked this episode, and I echo the geeky fanboy giggles. I can't wait for a full-on episode where they all come together and use their powers collectively in one manner or another. That's gonna be the goods right there.
Did you see it? I saw it. I'm so proud of myself I didn't read it on wiki or twop but I saw it with my very own eyes. George Takei's limo license plate number is NCC 1701.
Hee. I didn't mention about NATHAN PATRELLI BEING CLAIRE'S DAD because of all that spoiler nonsense, but you know what? If you're on the west coast, wait three hours before you read the fuckin thread, right?
No ways! OMG I totally missed it!1! That's awesome.
Also awesome is Peter being a good, non-lethal Sylar. Also awesome is Claire's daddy, who, incidentally, seems to have supernatural macking powers on top of the whole human flight thing.
Not so awesome is Jessica. I'm so sick of her one-dimensional bitchcraft and Nikki's one-dimensional pusshood. I'm also annoyed to see Mohinder being the stupidest man alive again in the scenes from the next.
ETA: I got distracted posting this so the whole spoiler situation went down without my knowledge. I was just replying to the good Ensign up there.
I haven't watched the scenes from the next yet (I had to rush in here and post about the license plate immediately... how lame am I?), but I loved seeing Jessica "out" and Nicky stuck behind the mirror at the end. Jessica is way cooler than Nicky, I hope she stays in charge for at least a couple episodes.
Suivbo is convinced Sylar's only power is telekinesis, and that everything "else" he does can be explained away as some form of tk. I was unconvinced, but last week the henchdoctor confirmed it, so I think Peter is actually more powerful than a good, non-lethal Sylar.
Suivbo is convinced Sylar's only power is telekinesis, and that everything "else" he does can be explained away as some form of tk. I was unconvinced, but last week the henchdoctor confirmed it, so I think Peter is actually more powerful than a good, non-lethal Sylar.
Wait, the henchdoctor confirmed it? I missed this. How can he just be telekinetic? Didn't he do other non-tk shit?
* livius drusus wracks her brain.
I can't think of anything besides almost resisting whatsername's command voice.
Yeah there was some part where the henchdoctor was like "I've isolated the telekinesis, but the rest is just a jumble" (serious paraphrase) in the ep when Sylar was all drugged out and playing with cockroaches.
Good catch, ES! I completely missed the license plate number. It'd be way too geeky to have the number as NCC-2000. Probably too noticeable as a fake license plate number, but too geeky for most fans to make the connection.
It's the registry of the USS Excelsior, the ship captained by Sulu.
In the previous week's episode, my wife called Petrelli as the cheerleader's dad due to his iridescent-purple shirt. We only saw the sleeve in the teaser but she immediately said, "Oh, it's him!" Then, at the end of this episode she said they should have had him wear a different shirt. We both went through the entire episode knowing what was coming.
Suivbo is convinced Sylar's only power is telekinesis, and that everything "else" he does can be explained away as some form of tk. I was unconvinced, but last week the henchdoctor confirmed it, so I think Peter is actually more powerful than a good, non-lethal Sylar.
Well there goes that theory.
ETA: Or wait. I suppose he could have just melted that toaster using tk. Oh what do I know. This is why I never even try guessing shit. On account of I reek at it.
Last edited by livius drusus; 02-13-2007 at 04:22 AM.
If someone dies it's almost got to be nicki/whatever her alters name is. They sent her after Petrelli and I don't think he will be the one to go.
I missed some of the earlier shows, but I was under the impression that Sylar was absorbing the powers of others, but needed to kill them to do so. Is that not the case? Obviously there seems to be some debate about it.
Sylar started out with the power to "see how things work" or "how things are broken". He was able to use this power to see how other people's powers work. In doing so, he was also able to see how he could absorb thier powers. This absorption process seems to involve slicing off the top of someone's head.
I think he's a brain eater.
As for whether or not all his powers can be explained by telekineses, really depends on what kind of scope you're willing to apply to telekineses. Sylar has demonstrated the ability to fly, to telekinetically push, to freeze things and now to melt metals.
One could extrapolate that all of these (particulary the first two) have their basis in telekinesis. It's interesting that he hasn't demonstrated any powers that couldn't possibly have a basis in telekinetics, yet many of our "good" heroes have just such powers:
- Eden could control minds with her voice
- Matt can read minds
- Hiro can manipulate time
- Niki/Jessica is super-strong (can be telekinetic, actually)
- Niki's son is a machine empath
- Claude can turn invisible
- Painter-guy can see the future
- Nathan can fly (can also be telekinetic)
- Charlie had super-memory (unknown if Sylar has this power, actually)
You know, I now believe that Mohinder's dad left him out of the loop not to protect him, but because he knew he was stupid enough to fug everything up.