Right this way, ladies and gentlemans, right this way! Don't be afraid to step right up for the Conteeeest. Of. The. Centuryyyyyy! Straight from the darkest recesses of deepest lisarea, the most electrifying, terrifying, stupefying, test of will, skill and most likely swill ever conceived by the depraved mind of wo-man.
It's the Make Something Every Week Contest!

All you have to do to participate is make something. That's it. It doesn't have to be fancy, pretty, useful or in any other way remarkable. You just have to make one thing during the course of one week. Some possible things include clay ashtrays, sofa cushion forts, origami cranes, short stories, finger paintings, piņatas and macaroni greeting cards. The only limit is your imagination and maybe the laws of physics, but not necessarily.
Every week the winner will be determined by popular acclaim. TOTALLY IGNORANT HYSTERICAL VOTERS are not just welcome but encouraged. In fact, truly impressive ignorant hysteria will be considered a submission for the next week's contest.
Winners will get their pick of the other contestants' oeuvre, so basically it's like if you win, you get to eat someone's soul. That makes this the greatest contest of all time.